Monday, October 4, 2010

Health Care Reform Conference Call: Nurses, Michelle Obama and Mary Wakefield

Health Care Reform Conference Call: Nurses, Michelle Obama and Mary Wakefield

Did you get to participate in the September 28th nurses-only health care reform conference call with First Lady Michelle Obama and Mary Wakefield, PhD, RN, FAAN the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)? Dr. Wakefield is the highest ranking nurse in the administration. The conference call helped ensure that the voices of nurses were heard in Washington.
Nurses were able to hear first-hand from the First Lady about Health Care Reform and what it means for nurses and their patients. The White House conferencing capacity was exceeded because nurses were overwhelmingly interested in participating - and the White House knows it!
You can read a summary or the full remarks as well as listen to the conference call.
Don’t forget your opportunity to stay involved this election season by pledging to participate in the October 20th Nurses Campaign Activity Night (Nurses CAN 2010). Won’t you take a few hours to ensure we have a friendly voice for nurses at the local, state or national level? Together, Nurses CAN continue to make our voices heard!

Dr. Tart

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